Collagists seem to experience a particular excitement in giving shaping to unity, be it figurative or abstract, resulting from single fragments, thus indulging both our own creative instinct and randomness, at the same time.
It would surprise you to discover how many times I happen to find out just that missing piece that matches perfectly with my inner story-telling and imagination. Other times, instead, I have to let myself be led by a sort of active listening as I leaf through the magazines and in the end the composition springs out automatically from the material I have been accumulating. Certain clippings lie quietly in my binders for weeks. Then, suddenly, it comes their time to go on stage, their transition from being anonymous scraps to becoming protagonists of a story. Some of my works are more rigorous and synthetic, while others are denser, as if they were inspired by a sort of modern horror vacui. Some are more ironic and irreverent (as in the series “POP” and “METAPHYSICAL”), others more lyrical or playful (as in the series “EPHEMERA” and “ANGELS”).
Virginia Woolf has written that every woman should have her own room: this is my (collage) room!